
Cviček Wine Festival is coming to Novo mesto

date: 24. 05. 2022

Do you like wine? Do you like festivals? Then this is the right thing for you. Introducing the Cviček Wine Festival. A regionally recognizable event, that preserves tradition of wine cviček from region of Dolenjska. Taking place from 27th to 29th of May 2022 in the lovely city of Novo mesto.

What can you expect from this festival? Many things as each day will be something different. On day one, there will be tasting of the best rated wine, preformance of the city band and the majorettes, and the proclamation of the King of Cviček and the Cviček Ambassador. On day two, we will be cycling in the land of wine, cviček train will arrive from Ljubljana, and we will choose Cviček princess. And on day three, the last day, there will be wine mass, a goulash cooking competition, the award ceremony for the best rated wine and at the end, the Closing of the Cviček Wine Festival.

Not to mention all of the performances that will take place, from numerous slovene bands and singers like Čuki, Modrijani and Tanja Žagar. With partners like Društvo novomeških študentov and Pop Up Wine Festival, you are guaranteed to have fun.
